Tree United KC
Growing a grassroots environmental campaign to promote planting trees

The Heartland Tree Alliance asked us to help generate community buzz around the importance of trees. Not only did Heartland want to encourage residents to plant trees of all sizes, but the organization hoped to educate community members about caring for existing trees in their neighborhoods. To get the conversation started, Heartland worked with us to rename their organization, which partners with neighborhoods to plant trees and increase the tree canopy across six counties. With a nod toward how trees connect our neighborhoods, we developed the name Tree United KC — and launched the grassroots campaign Tree Yo’Self to educate residents, while getting them excited about how trees can benefit their lives.
Our public education campaign used playful illustrations and approachable language to excite and inform residents in urban neighborhoods of the program. Yard signs, stickers, tree tags, out-of-home placements, and social media marketing brought the campaign to life boldly, spreading awareness about how trees can increase home values, aid in curb appeal, and help beautify Kansas City.